Vernier Science Education - August 2024 p3


Forums / Elementary Science / Upcoming Teachers

Elementary Science

Upcoming Teachers

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Melissa Vazquez Melissa Vazquez 350 Points

As future reference, I would like to know what are some useful resources when teaching science in the elementary level? Where can I find educational videos or online programs for my students who are visual learners? I was also wondering, where I can find find science projects that are safe for the elementary level?

Madeline Flaherty Madeline Flaherty 820 Points

Hi Melissa~ 

Have you checked out any Crash Course Kids videos? They are very engaging and informative so I keep a folder of the videos I find relevant for my students. My bus riders (who are in the room for an extra 10 minutes each day) even request that I put one on for them. There are videos on Earth science, life science, physical science, and more. Here's the link:

Hope this helps!

Elly Kumbusky Elly Kumbusky 200 Points

Hi Melissa! 

My first graders love Jack Hartmann and his creative use of catchy songs to disply information. We listen to lots of his videos, and while they aren't always for the higher grade level concepts, I think they're great for the younger kiddos! We use his videos in all different content areas. He has SO many videos! I've also found that listening to his songs can give them a quick brain break before leading into the next lesson, since I let my students get up and dance during the video. I think his videos are a great resource to use! 

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