
Forums / Early Childhood / How do educators stay current on child development?

Early Childhood

How do educators stay current on child development?

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Viatriz Martinez Viatriz Martinez 510 Points

Hi everyone, My name is Viatriz and something that I don't see teachers talk much about is how to stay current on child development. This fall will be my last semster in college before I enter a classroom and I wanted to get some tips on how to stay up to date on this topic. I think its an important part on anyones road to becoming a good teacher. I also think that teachers who keep up with the current industy development can help them gain experience and identify opportunities for growth. But I would love to hear your ideas or what you do to continue staying ahead, so I can use when I start my journey. 

Jennifer Howell Jennifer Howell 120 Points

Hello and good luck in your last semester! In New York, to keep current, we are required to take professional development totaling 100 hours within a 5 year period, 15 hours of which need to be dedicated to language acquisition addressing the needs of English language learners.  The courses/seminars/workshops that we choose have to be by accredited companies. Maybe you have this in your state/country???

Karla Barajas Karla Barajas 485 Points

Hello Viatriz, you are absolutely right not many teachers speak about staying up to date with child development I would recommend to do research every now and then, read newly articles and books and so on, like you mentined it is important to stay knowlegeable in order to become a good teacher, congratulations on almost graduating! 


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