Vernier Science Education - August 2024 p2


Forums / Evaluation and Assessment / Bloom's Taxonomy

Evaluation and Assessment

Bloom's Taxonomy

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Pamela Auburn Pamela Auburn 68625 Points

Starting in graduate school, so much of what I have done in education has been grounded in Bloom's taxonomy. Today I came across this in my inbox, questioning the validity of Bloom in a digital age I would love to know what others think. Personally, I see the easy access to knowledge freeing us to spend more time on Bloom's higher cognitive skills. It seems that the taxonomy is actually more relevant than ever.

Karen Drexler karen Drexler 1825 Points

This is a very interesting topic that I have been wondering on myself. I have noticed that some teachers have new technology blooms posters in their classroom. I will do my own research on the subject but great resources attached on this thread.

Susanne Hokkanen Susanne Hokkanen 79520 Points

Pam, The link you included did not take me to the correct page. I received an error message. I have reposted the link here: I see the value of both arguments. While Bloom's has been revised to meet the needs of our current education system - changing students/changing world, it is still primarily shown in a pyramid format. I have attached my collection on Bloom's to this thread. In the traditional or revised Bloom's, each "step" is separate and apart from the step above or below it. Is thinking really that way? Should we teach students to think in "levels"? I really like the cogs or gears shown in the blog. Today's students need to learn to think with creativity or within a "creating" context. Education needs to be more than just level steps of demonstrated ability. Education should create a product, and it should encourage students to see the interconnection between levels or ideas - how they can all work together. Sadly, I blame high stake testing for the focus on "set steps to demonstrating understanding." I like the "creating" cog - it would encourage the develop of innovators - not just good test takers. However, I also noted that while the "creating" cog is new, as is the concept of gears or cogs, the basis of Blooms is still evident. Perhaps what we are seeing is not Blooms being replaced, but Blooms being improved upon to meet the needs of our 21st century learners. As in education or learning, we build upon what we know...changing it as we go, making it better. What I see is an improved Bloom's. Thoughts? Ideas?

Bloom Taxonomy Collection (4 items)
- User Uploaded Resource
- User Uploaded Resource
Jenny Hwang Jenny Hwang 4755 Points

Thank you for sharing your collection on Bloom's taxonomy. I'm having trouble viewing the collection. Can you sharing it with me?

Carolyn Mohr Carolyn Mohr 92386 Points

Hi Sue, Thank you for sharing the Bloom's Taxonomy collection. I continue to find this useful for my students to power up their thinking and writing using the higher level verbs. Carolyn

Kathy Sparrow Kathy Sparrow 47692 Points

If you click on Pam's URL, you originally get an Oops message. However if you click on Homepageon the 'error' message, it takes you to the site--at least id did for me.

Kristin Zama Kristin Zama 3225 Points

Thank you for sharing! This is very helpful and informative.

Naomi Beverly Naomi Beverly 19130 Points


Since implementing the Common Core, we have focused more on Webb's Depth of Knowledge. So, much of our focus has been in increasing rigor, and working on levels 3-4 (which correspond to the higher levels of Bloom's)

All the best,

Naomi Beverly

Lydia Cotton Lydia Cotton 2340 Points

I am a student teacher, so I don't have the years of teaching experience under my belt, but i am so thankful that my professors taught me about bloooms taxonomy. When I am planning lessons to teach to my kiddos I am pull out that sheet, and plan higher level questions as well as questions on the lower end of the spectrum. I want my kiddos to think, so I think that it is good.

Naomi Beverly Naomi Beverly 19130 Points

Lydia- We are evaluated in our district on our incorporation of Bloom's higher level questions/thinking(which translate to the DOK levels 3-4). So, it's the expectation, and I am so happy you are beginning your career with this! All the best, Naomi Beverly

Kathleen Heikkinen Kathleen Heikkinen 835 Points

Our district has expanded from Bloom's Taxonomy to Depth of Knowledge. We are gearing our test and lessons to DOK levels of 2-4.

Carina Hernandez Carina Hernandez 1845 Points

this is very informative thanks for sharing

Cora Fernandez Cora Fernandez 4540 Points

Hello there, As a pre-service teacher, this is the first time I see Bloom's Taxonomy as a clog rather than a hierarchy and it makes a lot of sense. I have very little to no experience (the only experience I have is the required field hours), but I have noticed that the Bloom's pyramid can be misleading. I understand that creating is the most advanced level, yet it is the smallest in the pyramid. Remembering, being the most basic level is the biggest. The Blooms Taxonomy created with Clogs demonstrates that they all interconnect yet creating is the most complex of all. Cora

Jenna Bucklew Jenna Bucklew 655 Points

Hello all! These are very interesting arguments considering I am a student teacher right now, and a lot of our methods classes are still very pro-Bloom's taxonomy. I was going to ask: How could Bloom's be applied usefully with these new NGSS standards? Any articles, or resources are appreciated! Thank you!

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