Winter Group - November 14 campaign


Forums / Rural Teachers / Challenges for teachers

Rural Teachers

Challenges for teachers

Author Post
Kendall Greathouse Kendall Greathouse 610 Points

Hello everyone,

I am aspiring to be a science teacher. What kind of challenges should I expect coming into my own classroom?? Which do you prefer teaching in city or county school systems??

Morgan Schut Morgan Schut 675 Points

Hello! I am currently a preservice teacher from Wartburg College in Waverly, Iowa. I want to go into early childhood, so science won't be the main focus of my job but will be part of what I do. In terms of the challenges you might face when you have your own classroom, student engagement and behavior is always one of the biggest potential concerns. This won't be a huge issue if you put a lot of focus on your classroom management strategies. It is also important that you make learning fun for your students; being intentional and innovative in how you teach and assess content is key. Regarding the location you want to teach in, I personally believe it is all about personal preference. I have been placed in both rural and urban communities. I prefer smaller school districts because they feel more like a family. I've seen firsthand just how important a school district is to the livelihood of small-town communities, and I want to be able to have a relationship with all of the students I teach, their families, and my colleagues. With that said, there are definitely pros and cons to both settings!

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