Adam Equipment - October 2024


Forums / Elementary Science / Nutrition

Elementary Science


Author Post
LaDonna Williams-Hunt LaDonna Williams-Hunt 1435 Points

What are some novel hands-on activities for teaching nutrition in kindergarten?

Lindsay Ham Lindsay Ham 1815 Points

Hello LaDonna, I have some links here that are hands on activities you can do with little ones to promote healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle...Hope this helps!! Again, I hope this helps. I know this is such an important unit that may not get covered as much as it should. If you start them young, then they will more likely take on a healthy lifestyle!

Mireya Alvarado Mireya Alvarado 1455 Points

Great websites I cant wait to use them in my future classroom. Thank you for sharing

BRITTANY CAMPBELL Brittany Campbell 2050 Points

Very useful websites posted here! It's great that teachers are able to bring nutrition into the classroom at such a young age.

Michael Rodriguez Michael Rodriguez 60 Points

These are good websites. It is incredible how much knowledge we have access to.

Sarah Lenderman Sarah Lenderman 780 Points

This is one that I really liked to show students the importance of washing their hands and how germs transfer

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