NARIKA_December Campaign


Earth and Space Science

NASA site

Author Post
Mary Liddell Mary Liddell 290 Points

If you are a 5th grade teacher, please review the NSTA Resource on the Solar System your students will love it. The students get to learn while answering questions about the Solar System.

Patricia Rourke Patricia Rourke 45930 Points

You can also sign up to receive NASA Science News: NASA Science News for July 15, 2013 Drinking coffee in space is surprisingly tricky. Physicists researching the strange behavior of fluids onboard the International Space Station have invented a zero-g coffee cup to make the morning "cuppa Joe" a little easier to swallow. FULL STORY: VIDEO: The science news is always pertinent and may be adapted to many different lessons at various levels.

Betty Paulsell Betty Paulsell 48560 Points

Patricia, Thanks for sharing about the coffee cup on the ISS. That was very interesting. It is amazing the discoveries that are made because of space travel!! These Spinoffs are interesting to follow. Betty

James Johnson James Johnson 95308 Points

Hi Patricia. This is super neat. I may show to my summer school class, tomorrow! Thanks for thinking of us! j

Scott Morton Scott Morton 750 Points

I'm hoping to take my 5th graders up in space on the next shuttle.... wait! They scrubbed the shuttle launches didn't they? ; )

James Johnson James Johnson 95308 Points

Hi Scott. Great thought. How about Bungee cords? "To da moon, Alice" (You're probably too young to remember Ralph Kramden...)

Mitchell Greenberg Mitchell Greenberg 790 Points

Patricia, thanks for those awesome links.

Lauren Ramsey Lauren Ramsey 1225 Points

I teach High School Earth/Environmental Science. I realize I have a curriculum to follow from the state (North Carolina), but how do I choose the BEST activities that will cover the basics the students need to learn?! I feel like there's SO MUCH for Astronomy, and they ask us to "teach it" in like 10 days!!!

Keith Stanek Keith Stanek 1005 Points

Can't wait to share these links with my colleagues back at school! Great collection...

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