Carolina Biological OSE - August 2024p2


Forums / New Teachers / Science Field Trip for Students K-8

New Teachers

Science Field Trip for Students K-8

Author Post
Daniel Cochrane Jr. Daniel Cochrane Jr. 1280 Points

Hello, I am am teacher candidate, one semester away from student teaching. My Science class and I went to the Challenger Learning Center. I just wanted to tell all the new teachers out there what a good experience this will be for your students! Children can learn all about space and astronomy at different grade levels, in a very interactive way. Students can go on simulated space missions. The younger grades can do hands-learning activities in a small classroom setting! I went when I was in 5th grade and it was just as fun and exciting for me as an adult a few days ago. I went to the Challenger Learning Center in Hammond, Indiana. I was informed that there are about 48 other Challenger Learning Centers in the US. I would check and see if there is one close to you and your class. If there is one, I would highly recommend taking your students to an experience they will never forget! Dan Cochrane

Emily Rodriguez Emily Rodriguez 885 Points

Wow thank you! I found one here in my city and I can't wait to check it out. I appreciate you sharing that info.

John Pacheco John Pacheco 1215 Points

Thanks for the post! This should work perfectly with a possible upcoming field trip, appreciate it post.

Uchenna Agbahiwe Uchenna Agbahiwe 335 Points

Thanks for the idea! It sounds wonderful!

Amber Escobedo Amber Escobedo 680 Points

Thank you for the great suggestion! I will check my local area. I think it is so important to give students opportunities to learn about science outside of the classroom. As teachers we need to take advantage of our local resources (many can be free too).

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