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Forums / Elementary Science / Online learning

Elementary Science

Online learning

Author Post
Michelle Franko Michelle Franko 9920 Points

With the possibility of having to teach all or some of the beggining of our school year remotely, I was wondering if anyone has found any simulations, apps, or websites to help teach Science from a distance.

Anne Lowry Anne Lowry 9393 Points

I am looking as well.  My school opens 06/15; however...I like to be prepared.  What I found that worked for me this spring was doing lots of comparative work, where each child's answer was a little different but we created a whole document.  I also used padlet for adding resources.  What grade do you teach?  And have you looked at registered for NSTA's Distance Learning Strategies and Assessment webinar series.  I think that would give you lots of info.  They are running two separate times, once n July and once in August; I think it owuld be $60 well spent. 


Good luck!


Michael Massad Michael Massad 3120 Points

For older students, I'd say 5th grade and up, has some really cool online virtual dissection and other activity tools. Some are free, some aren't, and the ones I saw required downloading and installing small programs. So, not the easiest, but the squid dissection was quite impressive for a virtual activity. 

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