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Hi Fellow Educators,
While I was looking for some different hands-on lesson ideas, I stumbled across an idea called 'Lapbooking'. Lapbooks are regular file folders that are re-folded so they open up like a mini-trifold board. Students insert mini-books, foldables, graphic organizers, etc. into the folder to create an interactive record of a unit. Here's a few examples of lapbooks: Science Lapbooks. I'm really excited that I stumbled across this idea. I'm curious if anyone has tried these in your classroom yet?
I tried lapbooking for the first time last year in Kindergarten! They absolutely loved it! By our second lapbook, the students could problem solve how to create the mini books, which went inside their lapbooks. I had a class with many boys last year. This type of problem solving and creation of materials was right up their alley. My first two lapbooks I did right about now on bats and pumpkins. In addition, on the outside of the lapbook I normally did a large 8x14 piece of artwork to glue as the cover. At the end it was a great portfolio of all of their work. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did!
I have attended several workshops on these and the students love them. They are so eclectic that they definitely appeal to children. I think it is all the color and variation that holds the students interest in creating more. And they are very impressive to parents.
I really like the idea of the lapbooks. I hadn’t ever seen them before. I am wondering if they could be incorporated with some of Dinah Zike’s foldable ideas as well. They seem like they would be a wonderful fit. I have had the opportunity to see Dinah in person at several NSTA conferences and she always gives me wonderful new ideas. The link to her website is
I really like the idea of the lapbooks. I hadn’t ever seen them before. I am wondering if they could be incorporated with some of Dinah Zike’s foldable ideas as well. They seem like they would be a wonderful fit. I have had the opportunity to see Dinah in person at several NSTA conferences and she always gives me wonderful new ideas. The link to her website is
Hi Sandy,
When I saw this idea online, I immediately thought of Dinah's foldables. I think that foldables are a compliment to this activity. Normally I have my students insert their foldables into their notebooks or journals, but I really like the idea of keeping all related foldables, minibooks, etc together in a lapbook. I was thinking that the we could punch holes in the side of the lapbooks so they can be stored in a three ring binder.
Thanks to everyone who has posted ideas and shared your experiences with lapbooking. I'm really excited to try these out!
I absolutely love this idea! Lapbooks are new to me and I think that it would be a great way for my students to end a unit (my culminating activity). I can visualize it working for all other subject areas as well. I am excited to try this out in my class in the near future. Thank you for sharing this great idea!
Thanks for introducing a new tool! I have never heard of lapbooks before but they look like something kids would enjoy creating. I think the idea of putting all the related foldables together is a great way to help students organize their learning.