Carolina Biological OSE - January 2025


Forums / Elementary Science / Help with starting up a science lab!

Elementary Science

Help with starting up a science lab!

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Mary Carder Mary Carder 4025 Points

I am teaching 4th and 5th grade science this year and I already have tables in my room. I would like to know what you did to start up your own science lab. Did you run into any problems that I may want to avoid? I would like any input so that I can make my room accessible and inviting for the students to explore and observe.

Marty Erskine Marty Erskine 1155 Points

Could we use the spare room as a science lab this year? Wouldn't that be great! What about half of the AIG trailer?

Betty Paulsell Betty Paulsell 48560 Points

I taught sixth grade science in a room with carpeting and I grouped the desks in fours to form tables. Since you already have tables you are off to a good start. If you have room put some science activity centers in spots around the room so students have something to go to when they finish their work before other students. I also used plastic tubs to organize my materials for science lab experiments. That way the students can pick up one tray for each group, put it on their table and they are ready to go. Good luck!!

Carolyn Mohr Carolyn Mohr 92751 Points

Hi Mary, I would echo what Betty said about bins. I purchased several rubbermaid bins to store my curricular materials/supplies by activities and concepts. That way, I could find everything I needed in one place from year to year. Later I went to see through bins. Even with labels on the opaque bins, it is nicer to see what is in something without having to pull it from a shelf or open it up. Don't forget a classroom set of safety goggles and a method to keep them sanitizes/clean. There are times even in elementary classrooms where it makes sense to have students don safety glasses. Does your classroom have a sink? That, too, is so helpful. I eventually was able to add a dorm size frig and microwave and/or hot plate for various investigations.There are many generic types of equipment that are useful to have available in your classroom as well: classroom sets of rulers, meter sticks, hand lenses, scissors, beakers, funnels, stop watches, glue/glue sticks, tape, beakers, and flasks. Finally, do you have a place to store your renewable materials like salt, vinegar, borax, baking soda, straws, etc? Flinn has great ideas for storage of all chemicals for elementary classrooms at its website. What are others' ideas? Carolyn

Mary Carder Mary Carder 4025 Points

Betty and Carolyn, you have been most helpful!!! I am just science and social studies this coming year and I love science. In the past years I have had to buy my own materials. So this year I am going to apply for many grants. I don't even have goggles so my kids just had the option of WATCHING ME!! There was no fun in it. This year I would like to start an outdoor classroom with a garden and a weather station. I need all the materials. I have a couple of breakers, test tubes and a couple of other things. But I really want my 4th and 5th grade students to have hands on and fun!!! Anymore suggestions are welcome. Also any grant information would be helpful too. Thank you!!

Mary Carder Mary Carder 4025 Points

Thank you Adah. Green sounds good to me!! I am going to look over your articles for any ideas. Thank you very much!!

Pamela Auburn Pamela Auburn 68645 Points

Mary, I would argue that all elementary chemistry should be green given the age level of these students. I have two collections that might help you out

Elementary Chemistry Collection (5 items)
Hand-On Minds-On Elementary Science Collection (10 items)
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