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Early Childhood

Science with young ones

Author Post
Morgan Bell Morgan Bell 390 Points

As an early childhood educator what has been your favorite science lesson to teach such young children?

Melissa Biddinger Melissa Biddinger 435 Points

Hi Morgan,

I am a preservice teacher and I have had the pleasure of working with students from various grade levels.  Currently, I am working with students in the first through third grade.  One of my favorite lessons I have taught thus far is the life-cycle of a butterfly.  I taught this lesson to second graders where they seemed to really enjoy it.  I began the lesson with a time-lapse YouTube video of the life cycle of a monarch butterfly.  They really loved this aspect, and I feel that it provided an authentic representation of the life-cycle. After they told me some things they noticed in the video, I had them arrange picture cards that displayed the four stages of a butterfly’s life cycle based on what they saw.  Throughout the lesson, I went through each stage and had them act out the different stages using whole body movements (e.g. crouch into a ball to represent the egg).  The children seemed like they were having a lot of fun and it helped them to really appreciate and envision what happens in each stage.  Overall, this lesson can be adapted for grades pre-k through second where teachers can incorporate technology aspects, such as videos and the use of a smartboard/promethean board to allow students to drag images as well as movement components, such as hand gestures or body movements.


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