There are so many options to choose from but sometimes the reality is, you take the job because it is the one offered. You have to choose what works for you and there really isn't a right or wrong choice. Once you get into a position, you will learn a lot from it no matter where you land. As far as team collaboration, that is dependent on your administrators and your team. Sometimes the chemistry just clicks for a team and then there are years where you wonder what the magic formula is to have a great team. Just get used to change, everything changes, teaching is in a constant state of change, and you have no control over so many things. My best advice is, whatever position you get, do the best job you can. My dad used to say that people judge you by the quality of your work. So wherever you land, do your best. I feel like moving from 4th, to 5th, to 2nd, then back to 4th and 5th and 3rd grade has made me a well rounded teacher and even though it was not easy to move, looking back I realize the times I have moved have enabled me to grow as a teacher. Good luck to you!