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Forums / General Science and Teaching / Teaching the Concept of Floating and Sinking to Younger Students

General Science and Teaching

Teaching the Concept of Floating and Sinking to Younger Students

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Diana Chicas Diana Chicas 805 Points

Hello everyone! I am planning a lesson around the concepts of floating and sinking for my first-grade class. I want to figure out how in depth I need to go when first introducing the concepts to the students. Is it enough to show students different objects floating and then saying that it floats or different objects sinking and saying that it sinks or should I explain to the students exactly why the object is doing what it does? Thank you in advanced!

Donald Boonstra Donald Boonstra 8585 Points


I used the Elementary Science Study (ESS) SInk or Float many years ago. It was for the younger grades and engaged students in creating and testing their own explanations for sinking and floating. Delta Education now handles most ESS activities, including Sink or Float. I would start by showing an object sink and then show the same object floating by using a 'boat'. That is your phenomenon. The students can then ask qustions and beging to suggest ways to investigate their ideas and questions. The Delta Sink or Float teacher guide would be extremely helpful.

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