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Elementary Science

Art and Science

Author Post
Priscilla Fake Priscilla Fake 240 Points

Hello, I am a currently in college for Elementary Education and am in a kindergarten classroom. I have a passion for art and a more art focused brain in comparsion to science. My question for you all is if you have any reccomendations on how to incorperate art into a science lesson to make interesting for all of the students?

Mary Lynn Hess Mary Hess 12158 Points


Art and science are a beautiful harmony. The first thing that comes to mind is a science journal where students use there senses to understand the world around them and write/draw about it.

I love to use nature as a springboard to incorporate both, or STEAM lessons. For example: using color samples of green from the paint store to find different shades of green, observing living things like lady bugs/ants/butterflies by drawing them and labeling their legs/spots/body parts, taking a leaf rubbing and see the different veins. 

I've also attached other ideas that may be of interest. The possibilities are endless. Have fun! 


Art and Science 1 (External Website)

Art and Science 2 (External Website)

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