Carolina Kits 3D Bundles – January 2025


Forums / Earth and Space Science / Global Warming

Earth and Space Science

Global Warming

Author Post
NaDiazia Whatley NaDiazia Whatley 495 Points

How can I integrate storytelling and interactive technology to engage children in learning about the impacts of global warming and climate change on wildlife habitats and inspire them to take action to protect the environment?

Vanessa Martinez Vanessa Martinez 790 Points

Hi NaDiazia,

You can have students engage with a story where they have the opportunity to help a character make environmentally safe decisions. You can also have students explore virtual worlds to observe the impacts of climate change.

Diane Ripollone Diane Ripollone 3610 Points

Hi NaDiazia

There is a great website Infiniscope that has a lesson on Turtles and the effects of climate change. You can also create your own lessons if you like the interactivity and adaptive learning components. They are having workshops this summer on the various tools they offer. Here is the link

NOAA has great resources. NOAA has data modules you can use, they are realiable and have a section for all levels of education. Here is the link to their data modules

Hope this helps

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