NARIKA_December Campaign


Forums / Research in Science Education / Time to reduce screen time ?

Research in Science Education

Time to reduce screen time ?

Author Post
Keith Wilhelmi Keith Wilhelmi 60 Points

[I've also posted this to the General Science and Teaching Forum.]

With many teachers and children now having survived screen-based learning for the past 6-7 months, I wonder if there will be an increased demand for real books and the use of real writing utensils?

Last May, I reluctantly ended my 42.5 year 'run' as a MS science teacher - by teaching the final 10 weeks from my basement! I've heard that some children (particularly introverts) have found remote learning to be less stressful, so I recognize that there have been some benefits. While I learned a great deal of technology in those 10 weeks, it is easy to share that I preferred the traditional mode - particularly since my program was heavily based on hands-on, often outdoors - activities.

I also recognize that many teachers have their students online for a good portion of their in-the-building teaching - and that this mode has its advantages. However, I think that my students appreciated having a class where the bulk of their time was not spent on a screen.

If anyone knows of research that compares 'book-and-pencil' vs. screen-based schooling, please share the citations. Thanks!

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