Winter Group - November 14 campaign


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Distance Learning

Distance Learning

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Emily Banken Emily Banken 590 Points

Hello all, I am a preservice teacher in my fourth year of college. As I am getting ready to enter the classroom as a teacher, I have been thinking a lot about how education has had to change over the last few months. I believe that hands-on learning in STEM classes is very important, but can be a challenge with the online learning that is happening because of COVID-19. What resources are helpful so that students are able to have some of those experiences while learning remotely?

Emily Faulconer Emily Faulconer 5775 Points

The answer to this is going to vary by grade level and STEM discipline. There are many safe 'kitchen chemistry' activities children of many ages can participate in safely. If you provide more information on grade level and topic, I'm sure there will be some really interesting suggestions from the community. 

Makayla Schluter Makayla Schluter 515 Points

Hello Emily! 

I am also a pre-service teacher and I think your question is a great one to pose. Obviously, we have to first consider the resources available to our students' families. I think it's great to have students do some experiments at home with supplies we 'assume' most households have but we would have to be mindful of these assumptions. Perhaps if you could create packets of supplies to be picked up or dropped off, students could complete some hands-on activities. There are many websites (a few links provided below) that offer fun and engaging activities that are done with easy-to-find supplies. 

Also, I would suggest that teachers complete demonstrations for their students. Even though the barrier of the screen may prove to lessen the usual excitement, science demonstrations are still engaging and set up the platform for critical thinking and inquiry.

Finally, though not 'hands-on' in the literal sense, resources such as Minecraft Education Edition and PHET offer ways in which students can explore many aspects of science virtually. 

Here is a list of resources that I have found for bringing hands-on experiments home in the remote setting. Hope they can be of some help to you! - Makayla - Use food, make food, watch the growth of plants, and experiment with balloons. This site offers many ways for students to complete hands-on experiments at home. - Learn through exciting challenges created through common household items. - This program is used in many schools as their main science curriculum.

Mia Whiting Mia Whiting 850 Points

Hello I hope all is well. I have not heard of what a preservice teacher and would like to know more about that. Also yes change has come like the seasons. we have seen a shift in so much and this is our new norm. I also beleive hands on is vital and that it has been harder to do that when we have had to do things virtual. It has even hurt some children because thats a way some people can learn. I have seen some lessons that have an alernative and its hands on but their is a challenege their because not ecery child may have acess to the materials.  

Karen Ye Karen Ye 90 Points

Here are two resources that may be of interest. Both utilize easy to find, everyday materials. 

  • The Snack Box series is designed for teachers and parents to provide STEM focused lessons or activities by grade level band (K-12). These are free for download via DigitalCommons.
  • The new STEM a la Carte lessons are specific to grades K-5. 

Emily Banken Emily Banken 590 Points

Thank you so much for sharing these resources. I'm looking forward to using them in my future classroom. 

Darby Smith Darby Smith 1015 Points

I love this resource thank you so much for sharing. 

Noah Christians Noah Christians 320 Points


I have actually looked into the snack box series and have found many great resources/starting points. Thank you for bringing up this source, I had forgot it even existed!



Mia Whiting Mia Whiting 850 Points

Thanks so much and thank you for sharing.

Ashtin Schnell Ashtin Schnell 1820 Points

Any online virtual feild trips, can be super engaging and informative for the kids too. I also love the idea of doing Kitchen Science. Just make sure that the materials are all materials that everyone should easily be able to have in the home. Don't forget not all kids have access to the same resources so the materials have to be things within reason. 

Emily Banken Emily Banken 590 Points


I've never thought about virtual field trips before. Is this something that has been successful in your classroom? What have been some of the most enriching virtual field trips?


Mia Whiting Mia Whiting 850 Points

I had an assignment I needed to do for this and it was so cool to find the many things that were out their. I uplaoded my file.


Virtual Fieldtrips (0.76 Mb)

Mia Whiting Mia Whiting 850 Points

Hey Emily! Im glad you were honest because Im sure others have not thought about virtual field trips. They have so many cool things out their that pertaints to the TEKS. I have not seen it in a classroom but it is something I would like to see. 

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