Carolina Kits 3D Bundles – January 2025


Forums / Early Childhood / Plant Life Cycle - Kindergarten

Early Childhood

Plant Life Cycle - Kindergarten

Author Post
Nicolette Hale Nicolette Hale 415 Points

Hi all! I am getting ready to teach an inquiry-based lesson on the plant life cycle to a kindergarten class. I plan to use actual potted plants for my students to pull out of the soil so they can explore by feeling and seeing the different parts of the plant. I am struggling with what to do for the elaboration portion of my lesson. Currently, I plan to have the students watch a BrainPop video and ask them a few open-ended questions. What are some ideas some of you might have to add to this portion of my lesson? Also, what are some good questions I could ask?

Caridad Camaraza Caridad Camaraza 395 Points

Awesome post about a well planned lesson Nicolette! It is very important to use open ended questions in an inquiry lesson! Maybe have students talk about how they would grow their own plant and elaborate on what type of plant it would be and how it would grow.

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