W.W. Norton Co - September 30.2024


Forums / Elementary Science / Colors Around Us

Elementary Science

Colors Around Us

Author Post
Jocelyn Mendez Jocelyn Mendez 235 Points


Are questions like why is the sky blue or why is the grasss green a good start to make a student be interested in a topic? Is it considered science?
Thank you,

Jocelyn Mendez 

Dariela Rodriguez Dariela Rodriguez 60 Points

Hello Jocelyn,

My group and I recently learned about how there are a lot of things that we do that are considered science, without even knowing it. According to William McComas, 'Science is an endeavor designed to explore and address questions about the natural world leading to valid and reliable generalizations and explanations, using methods of investigation and producing evidence open to review by all.' To answer your question, it is considered to be science,as long as you explain how it is related. For example starting off with qualitative observations to answer some questions could be a good start.



Ruth Barron Ruth Barron 100 Points

Hi Jocelyn,

I'm a preservice teacher and am currently in my block B practicum semester. I think that questions such as you posted are great starts because they are exactly the kinds of questions that children ask because they really want to know. It is considered science in my opinion because there are so many scientific angles that you can begin instruction from. I found your questions to be very interesting topics, that's why I joined the discussion. therefore, I know that they will be interesting topics for students also.


Thank you for the opportunity to join,

Ruth Barron

Mireya Fletes Mireya Fletes 125 Points

Hello Jocely,

Yes, I do believe asking questions such as 'is the sky blue? or why is the grass green?' are good starter questions to a lesson. Asking questions that students can relate to can be a way to engage students to the topic. You can even try going outside to observe these questions. 

Elizabeth Jimenez Elizabeth Jimenez 285 Points



Yes, those are great questions. I am a pre-service teacher and currently enrolled in a math and science class. We are learning that science needs to be student-centered. These type of questions make science relatable to the student and keep them engaged. Check out the NGSS website they offer good examples for storylines that are student driven. 



James Johnson James Johnson 95308 Points

Hi Jocelyn.  We always traditionally considered these kinds of questions philosophy.  I recently took a workshop on the 'Boundaries of Science' which looked at the confluence and perspectives of traditionally non-science areas and it was interesting to view science in a variety of ways.  STEAM is a way of introducing perspectives like this. It's always best, though to check with a more experienced teacher, department head, or your principal, if you have any doubts whether this approach is encouraged, or supported, in your school.  

Now, if you're looking at the spectrum or atmospheric conditions in posing the questions, I think you're gold, or at least silver!



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