Hi everyone,
I am reaching out because WestEd, a nonprofit education research organization, and North Carolina State University have been funded by the U.S. Department of Education to conduct a research study on a new science learning environment, ScienceSketch. ScienceSketch is an NGSS-aligned science modeling computer program for upper-elementary students. I wanted to share this opportunity with 4th grade teachers who are interested in an NGSS-aligned science resource that is designed to be used with your current curriculum.
We are recruiting teachers for Fall, 2025 to participate in our pilot study. In this study, you would try out ScienceSketch in your classrooms.
Who can participate?
- 4th grade teachers who teach science
- Participating classrooms will need 1-to-1 device access
What is the timeline?
What does participation include?
- Some teachers will use ScienceSketch with their students for modeling once per week and will complete 2-3 hours of virtual, self-paced professional development.
- Other teachers will have access to ScienceSketch and the professional development after the study.
- All teachers will complete a pre- and post-survey (10 minutes) and 3-4 logs (5 minutes). Some teachers will participate in a classroom observation and an interview.
- Students will complete an NGSS-aligned science pre- and post-assessment (30-45 minutes) and a survey (10 minutes).
- No cost to participate.
- Teachers will receive a stipend of up to $500. Some teachers will receive an additional $200 for completing professional development.
For more details about the study, please complete our brief interest form.
Please email our team with any questions or for more information at [email protected]
Thank you! Natalie