Winter Group - November 14 campaign


Forums / New Teachers / Change career to science education - where to begin?

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Change career to science education - where to begin?

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Eric Friedman Eric Friedman 10 Points

Hi, I'm considering switching careers from medicine to science educator. Where can I find more information on how to start? Thanks! Eric

Betty Paulsell Betty Paulsell 48560 Points

I did a similar change and the best advice I received was from a university counselor. They can help you decide which courses are needed. Do you have an idea of grade level and/or science content area?

Mary Bigelow Mary Bigelow 10285 Points

Hi Eric-- With your background, you would certainly bring a "real-world" perspective to the classroom! Talking with a university counselor and reviewing NGSS documents would be good places to start. If you're interesting in public education, you should also consider the certification requirements in the state where you live/want to teach.

Maureen Stover Maureen Stover 41070 Points

HI Eric, I also was a "career changer" teacher. After serving in the Air Force, I did the Troops to Teachers program and became a science teacher. I am very happy with my decision to be a teacher. It is a really fantastic Like Mary, I think that the real world perspective that you would be able to offer your students would be fantastic! The advice to talk to a university counselor is a great idea. You can also consider volunteering in a school to see which grade levels and/or course you prefer. Many states offer alternative licensing procedures if you have a degree in science or work experience in industry, so you may be able to apply for a teaching certificate without any additional educational requirements. If your state does offer this option for your license, I'd suggest taking a classroom management course either online or at your local university. Once you begin teaching, NSTA offers a program called the New Teachers Academy ( There are also many PD opportunities that are offered through NSTA, other teaching professional organizations, and through local school districts that can help you hone your teaching skills. Best of luck as you embark on your new career...and welcome to the teaching profession! Maureen

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