The Center for Gifted Studies_November 2024


Forums / Physical Science / Circuits

Physical Science


Author Post
Stacia Brown Stacia Brown 560 Points

Hello, I teach 3rd grade, but I also teach technology so I am looking for activities to teach about circuits. Has anyone used any worth while activities to teach circuits? Stacia

Desra Brown Desra Brown 640 Points

Hello Stacia, I have found a few interactive activities. Here are the links: (this was the one I liked best) This interactive site can be used as a center.

Stacia Brown Stacia Brown 560 Points

Thank you Desra!

Desra Brown Desra Brown 640 Points

I am a 5th grade teacher and one of my units is Electricity. I work with my students on conductors, insulators, circuits, energy flow, and electromagnets. I was wondering if someone may have some activities that I can incorporate into my unit. I feel that I may need to get more in-depth.

Desra Brown Desra Brown 640 Points

Does anyone have a good "simple" lesson on Simple Machines using legos. I have alot of legos and I thought that would be another way to use them.

Brenda Hornaday Brenda Hornaday 770 Points

Hi, Stacia! I also found the site that was mentioned previous from the UK.

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