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Early Childhood

Science Books for Younger Children

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Cara Campbell Cara Campbell 515 Points

I'm trying to expand my 'school library' to find books that kids will find informative and interesting. Are there any science books for students that you can recommend that might be good additions? 

Jessica Martinez Jessica Martinez 930 Points

I would consider using Sneezy the Snowman by Maureen Wright for a heat energy lesson.

Daniela Morales Daniela Morales 505 Points

I think a good series of science books are the Magic School Bus books. They cover a wide variety of science topics, and children enjoy reading them. :)

Daniela Morales Daniela Morales 505 Points

I think a good series of science books are the Magic School Bus books. They cover a wide variety of science topics, and children enjoy reading them. :)

Chandni Thakkar Chandni Thakkar 945 Points

Hi Cara, Great post! I am going to be a first year teacher next year and just like you I would love to have a vast classroom library. I personally love to read and believe that if you can integrate a read aloud in any subject area, you should. That being said, I am always on the search for some good childrens books that cover other core subject areas such as Science. My personal fave from when I was a child were Magic School Bus. I have read these books to my third graders and they love them, we have also watched the cartoons that go along with the stories.

Hannah Bennett Hannah Bennett 1740 Points

Oscar and the Cricket: A Book About Moving and Rolling (Start with Science)

Paige McRoberts Paige McRoberts 1205 Points

I would consider Sheep in the Jeep. It is a great book to use to introduce the topic of force and motion in your classroom. While reading the book there are numerous opportunities to ask questions to your students, such as why does the jeep slow down going up the hill? What happens when the sheep push the jeep and why, etc. Whether you use the book to introduce the topic or to conclude the lesson, it is a great way to engage your students and give them examples of force and motion. There is also a NSTA lesson that goes along with the Sheep in the Jeep book!

Maritza Grajeda maritza grajeda 1455 Points

I would recommend any Eric Carle books. His books are repetitive and colorful for young children to read. A few weeks back, I did a science lesson on animal characteristics and read From Head to Toes by Eric Carle. I used the animals in the book to talk about some animal characteristics. I hope that helps!

Summer Franco Summer Cortez 875 Points

I would recommend Gary The Go Cart: Wind Blows by B.B. Denson for discussing oil and gas. The book is very simple and kid friendly. The Magic School Bus Series is really great too for many different topics!

Zandra Russell Zandra Russell 980 Points

I like the book Why Should I Save Energy by Jen Green and Oscar and the Bird:A book about electricity by Geoff Waring

Abby Lowman Abby Lowman 715 Points

I read the book Professor Astro Cat’s Frontiers of Space, by Dominic Walliman and Ben Newman to my Kindergarten class and they loved it. It explains what is in the universe and what the universe is in a fun way. They also loved the book Bilby by Edel Wignell. This book talks about unique animals.

Hannah Millay Hannah Millay 500 Points

I like National Geographic books (kids editions)!

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