
Forums / Earth and Space Science / Submarine Canyons, activities and Information

Earth and Space Science

Submarine Canyons, activities and Information

Author Post
Chester Orban Chester Orban 2310 Points

Hello, Several years ago I was on a NOAA cruse to the four northern most Submarine Canyons off the East cost of the US. The ship was the NOAA Ron Brown. Besides investigating the flora and fauna, and extensive set surveys were done in order to estableis some accurate maps. Has anyone seen these maps? Also I would appreciate any material on submarine canyons. Regardless of age.

Carolyn Mohr Carolyn Mohr 92246 Points

Hi Chester,
There is an NSTA Science Object resource that might be of interest to you. It talks about the plate tectonics and how the active plate margins can create mountains and very deep ocean trenches.
This particular Science Object is called: Plate Tectonics: Consequences of Plate Interactions

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