LEGO Education - October 2024


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Behavior Management

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Lauren Bridgeman Lauren Bridgeman 600 Points

Hi, Everyone! I am just wondering what techniques work the best for you during your science lessons? I know doing various experiments or observations can make the students overly excited, so how do you ensure students stay on task and are not misbehaving? Thanks!

Nicholas Morrow Nicholas Morrow 825 Points

I would say, though, if the students are excited about what you are doing with them, then you are doing something right! Keep up the great work! 

Vanessa Suarez Vanessa Suarez 435 Points

I think it is very important to set up the class to behave. It is is important to teach the students what is the proper behavior and especially in science to promote safety. Some things you could do are: have students create a safety contract, always model to the student the correct way to behave each and every time they are going to do a science experiment or other things, and lastly always repeat the expectations to the students. I think that students need to be guided, they are just children who are excited. Hope this helps! 

Rafael Pouso Rafael Pouso 1435 Points

Hello, I will be a future Elementary Teacher as I finish graduating in one more semester. I wanted to ask EVERYONE if they have any advice on how to properly control the student's behavior as there may be a time that the students may feel excited on the activity and would want to deviate from the establish rules.

Emily Rodriguez Emily Rodriguez 885 Points

Wow! That is a tough question. I am a student teacher, but I am lucky to be surrounded by great cooperating teachers. I work with fifth graders right now and I see that the science teacher is very strict with the students and the rule is if you don't follow safety rules you don't get to participate. The safety rules are huge in the science lab! The teachers I am with go over the appropriate rules for the lab before each lab experiment. Most students are so engaged that they follow the rules. I have seen that it all has to do with following through with the consequences. Good luck!

Uchenna Agbahiwe Uchenna Agbahiwe 335 Points

Hello! Possibly giving directions out first and setting expectations for behavior before handing out materials would help with managing behavior. I think it'll be a process with the students to get them to behave appropriately so at the beginning of the year stopping and changing any incorrect behavior before it becomes a habit for the students may be helpful.

Ava Aldcroft Ava Aldcroft 595 Points

Absolutely! Making CLEAR expectations before activities and before materials have been passed out is necessary. Also, I really feel that it helps with student management of materials when directions are posted up for everyone to see. Lastly, if students are not able to handle materials with care, the science lesson will become "hands off." Although, I don't believe it's always a great idea for materials to be taken away, sometimes it is necessary for a student's safety, and it also works well as a behavior management tool since most students enjoy hands on activities.

Lauren Gray Lauren Gray 590 Points

I totally agree! You need to correct behavior at the START to ensure proper safety! I know this can be difficult, especially with certain age ranges, but as long as you monitor student behavior and set expectations to begin with, all should go well. Key word there is should.

Amber Escobedo Amber Escobedo 680 Points

I agree it is important to set clear behavior expectations before a science lessons begins and students are using equipment. Safety should always come first in science. As a student teacher, science is one of the most engaging, active and loudest parts of the day (as it should be)! I find it is very helpful to have a strong attention grabber. For example my master teacher says “It Shocks” during science time. When students hear this phrase, they take their hands off materials, stop talking, and give the teacher their attention. This is a very effective method for my classroom, and helps the teacher take control and allows her to stop for teachable moments and to clarify instruction when needed.

Chassidy Pittman Chasidy Pittman 1205 Points

The main goal is encourage an active, attentive listening and learning environment by making students accountable for their own learning. I think you could incorporate technology to get their attention. If they become off task you can also incorporate movement in your lesson so that you can get your students out of their seats and engaged.

Zaira Trevino zaira trevino 1255 Points

Hi, although I am not a teacher yet I have observed many great strategies being used in the classroom. One strategy that I think is great is pointing out the good behaviors instead of the bad ones. I have seen teachers do this and students quickly want to change their behaviors so that they too get a shout out for behaving. I think that it helps the classroom environment stay positive and it shows that we as teachers appreciate the students.

Brianna Gage Brianna Gage 600 Points

I completely agree that focusing on good behavior helps create a positive learning environment. My guide teacher is always telling me how important it is to focus on the positive no matter how challenging it can be. He's also mentioned that classroom management is the most important thing in a classroom and that it is very important to find out what works for you and the class. I've really noticed a difference in the class by acknowledging students who are on task and it helps set the high expectations of the classroom. Thank you for sharing! 

Stephanie Jerez Stephanie Jerez 1165 Points

I am currently a student teacher, but through my practice I have seen how effective routines can be. They are extremely helpful when needing to get the students attention or reminding them to stay on task. Also, mentioning your expectations when giving your directions can be beneficial to behavior management as well!

Macaulay Snyder Macaulay Snyder 725 Points

Great question! Classroom management is definitely one of the most important aspects of an elementary classroom. This holds even more true during science lessons because the students' safety can be at risk. I would say definitely establish the rules and procedures at the beginning of the year and also review them before each lesson. Have students model what good behavior and bad behavior looks like. We definitely don't want to take students out of the learning as a punishment, however you could perhaps make them observers for a little bit of time if they cannot handle the excitement of the hands on activities. This will allow them some time to cool off and hopefully realize that they would rather be actively participating in the experiments rather than observing. Best of luck!

Violet Cuadra violet cuadra 795 Points

This a great question! Science experiments and observations can definitely get students excited and somewhat out of control. However, I was reading the classroom management forum and found that some teachers assign students different jobs within their science groups in order to keep everyone on task. I thought this was an excellent idea. Each student has a job and is held accountable for that job. That may be one idea that could be beneficial during a science experiment. I also think students like having jobs, it gives them a sense of responsibility and leadership. 

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