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Elementary Science

Hands-on Activities for Elementary Science

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Tzipporah Campbell Tzipporah Campbell 410 Points

What are some hands-on activities that can be use for Elementary Science?

Madisen Conley Madisen Conley 210 Points

Hi! I recently designed an adaptation of the Flower Hunt activity from Bria Marty, Kristy Daniel, and Michelle Forsythe's Bee Time article. This activity is designed to take place at an outside garden or 'wild space' near a school, but I was unable to do so because of the lack of vegatation surrounding this inner-city school. I modified the activty by choosing pictures of flowers that bees typically pollinate and some that they do/can not pollinate and printing them out. Next, I laminated the pictures and hot glued them to popsicle sticks to be stuck into the ground. I repeated this with pictures of bees as well. This provides an opportunity for students to conduct the hunt and model the pollination process to meet NGSS's 2-LS2-2 standard, even with no access to real flowers!

Unfortunately, I was not able to take my group of students outside because of weather; however, I placed the 'flowers' around the classroom, gave students their bee manipulatives (on popsicle sticks), and allowed them to 'fly' around the room to the different flowers. My students had a graphic organizer that they used to record which flowers the 'bees' would pollinate using the pollinator cards included in the article. By modeling the process of pollination with the manipulatives, my students were able to draw their own model of the process following the lesson which I used as a formative assessment.

If you have access to a real garden, this would be ideal for the activity so students can really see the real-world connection!

Koryn Bakken Koryn Bakken 110 Points

Hello Tzipporah, 

A hands-on activity you could do with your elementary students is making elephant toothpaste. This is an easy experiment that you could do. It takes minimal effort and not a lot of ingredients. This experiment demonstrates a reaction of hydrogen peroxide that will then release energy in the form of heat. 

Another fun hands-on science activity is making paper airplanes. This is a fun way for students to learn about aerodynamics and the basic principles of flight. The students will also learn about forces and push and pull. With all this learning it can also be fun to make a competition between the students to see which paper airplane is the best. 


Julia Hannig Julia Hannig 670 Points

Thank you for the ideas for Koryn! I think these ideas can be modified for many different grades. 

Isabella Hart Isabella 10 Points

A hands-on activity you could do with elementary students is making oobleck. This is a great activity to teach students about matter, solids, and liquids, and it is so fun for kids to make!

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