Carolina Biological OSE - January 2025


Forums / Early Childhood / Candy Cars Lesson

Early Childhood

Candy Cars Lesson

Author Post
Ellen Prevish Ellen Prevish 1045 Points

This is a lesson I did as a pre-service teacher and it worked really well with the group of students I did it with. They all loved the hands on experience of building their own cars. 

Kathy Nguyen Kathy Nguyen 1015 Points

This is such an awesome activity. Thanks for sharing!

Malorie Fenwick Malorie Fenwick 870 Points

Thanks for sharing this Lesson! This is a lesson that the students would love.

Summer Franco Summer Cortez 875 Points

Thank you for sharing! I love you lesson idea. The kids will for love it. :)

Tim Kelly Tim Kelly 695 Points

I was apart of this group that taught this lesson. The student did seem love the lesson and also understand what we were teaching them. The only problem that the students had was with the graphing. They did not seem to understand how to do the graphing or how decimals work on a graph. If we had to re-teach this lesson, we would have to re-work the graphing aspect of it so that the students could better understand it.

Katrice Trego Katrice 755 Points

I missed this lesson the day it was taught! Thank you for posting so I have the opportunity to try it on my own! Students will love this :)

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