Winter Group - November 14 campaign


Forums / New Teachers / A course on Diverse Learners for STEM teachers

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A course on Diverse Learners for STEM teachers

Author Post
Sarah Mamaril Sarah Mamaril 845 Points

I am developing a course for undergraduate students focused on diverse learners in the STEM classroom. We are not limiting the course to only special education but that will be a considerable focus. The course is also specifically design with STEM pedagogy in mind. We are in the beginning planning phases and I'm interested in gathering outside opinions on what is missing from undergraduate education courses when it comes to diverse learners. What needs to be covered that's not being addressed for pre-service teachers? Are there any specific goals or tasks that you think would be a really valuable experience for students to have? We know that teaching STEM courses takes a different pedagogical approach than many other disciplines. When it comes to STEM and diverse learners/special education, what connections and strategies should be addressed? 

Bonus points if you have any insights about technology, STEM and diverse learners. 

Judith Gaudet Judith Gaudet 10 Points

Thanks, I will try it. But not now, a little later. Because right now I am gonna this link to read reasons why BLM movement is important. I want to research on BLM regarding my essay assignment. I am not so good at writing an essay assignment that is why I always prefer to take help from online.

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