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Forums / New Teachers / Any new teachers on here who feel like they don’t really know what they are doing?

New Teachers

Any new teachers on here who feel like they don’t really know what they are doing?

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Andrew Alberty Andrew Alberty 10 Points

I feel like I am just getting by. I put so much pressure on myself to succeed and it causes me so much stress. Last night I couldn’t get anything planned for today so I literally spent my whole lunch hour running around the school making photocopies of worksheets so I could survive the afternoon. I have a very wide range of abilities in my class. I have some very strong grade 4s and some weak grade 3s. It feels impossible to put something together to meet the needs of everyone. I also find the Ontario math curriculum so hard to understand. I’m doing my best and it often feels like my best isn’t enough:( I have asked for help from colleagues before but they just hand me books that I don’t have time to read because I am too busy trying to plan every single night. I also really struggle with assessment. Has anyone experienced these feelings as a new teacher? I hope I made the right career choice. Feeling extremely overwhelmed.

Sarkari job

Hi Andrew! I completely understand your struggle. Most of my field experience has been virtual. Next September I will be in a school doing in-person lessons and I am beyond stressed about it. I do not feel adequately prepared and the pandemic has definitely made me more comfortable being behind a screen. My mom is one of the best teachers in this particular district and I truly feel the pressure to succeed. Just preparing my lessons to tailor the students in the virtual setting was very overwhelming, so I cannot imagine how you feel. However, many teachers have assured that these feelings are all completely normal. We just have to endure the beginning and the rest will fall into place. 

Graceland Greener Graceland Greener 2100 Points

I am not a teacher yet, but in my course studies when I make lesson plans, I find it beneficial to look up some on the internet that allign with the state standards. There are lots to choose from and you can tweak it however you like! It's important to keep in mind that students learn better with play and hands-on learning rather than just homewrok sheets. I hope this helps!

Sophia Traficante Sophia Traficante 665 Points

Hi! I really do understand how you feel. I'm just now getting into my field work for teaching and with everything being virtual, I am really afraid that I'll have no idea what to do in a classroom. I hope everything goes well for you, and I hope you find some comfort in that others definitely feel the same way. It's all just a learning experience for everyone and I truly believe that you find yourself and your style along the way. Good luck! 

Isabella Pichardo Isabella Pichardo 1475 Points

Hey! I totally agree with what you're saying and know how much teachers struggle in a system that's almost against them. With the endless list of things and wanting to perfect everything available for our students it's hard to keep up at times. That being said, just take it one thing at a time and see if you are able to have volunteers to do the tedious tasks such as making copies, laminating, organizing materials, or cutting out things. If not, just try to take things one at a time. I know it is also hard for teachers to take time for themselves but I suggest taking a day every couple of weeks scheduled where you do no 'work' and do activities to help relax.

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