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Forums / Elementary Science / Early Learners

Elementary Science

Early Learners

Author Post
Mollie White Mollie White 1560 Points

Hello, I'm Mollie White! I attend Henderson State University in Arkansas. I plan to teach K-6 one day! I love expanding my knowledge when it regards to anything about education! My question pertains to Elementary Science in the classroom and how soon do students (what specific age range/grade) need to begin to understand and retain the knowledge of basic science topics such as the body, food, air, plants and animals, growth, etc?

Matt Bobrowsky Matt Bobrowsky 6445 Points

Hi, Mollie.

It's great that you're planning to teach K-6 and that you're learning more science.  We need more elementary teachers who are comfortable teaching science!

Have you looked at what NGSS has to say about those topics for those grade levels?


Amber Baker Amber Baker 540 Points

Hi Mollie,

My name is Amber Baker. I am a senior at Wright State University in Ohio. I majoring in Elementary Education and wish to teach kindergarten-2nd grade. 

Students need to start understanding science concepts as soon as kindergarten. 

The Ohio State Standards for Science have these two standards for kindergarten under life science. 

'K.LS.1: Living things have specific characteristics and traits.
K.LS.2: Living things have physical traits and behaviors, which influence their survival.'

this topic helps students distinguish between living and nonliving things. Some grade-appropriate characteristics include that living things grow, reproduce, require energy and respond to stimuli. Kindergarteners need to know this and they build on these concepts in later gardes. 

I know Arkansas might be different than Ohio but no one is too young to learn science. 

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