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Early Childhood

Literature in Science

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Erica FUENTES Erica FUENTES 105 Points

Hi I am a student at a university and the only way I can think of using literature in science is to read a biography on a famous scientist. My question is how else can I incorporate literature into my science lessons? 

Thank you. 

Chalese Carthran Chalese Carthran 355 Points

Hello Erica,

I completely agree with the other two posts. I love using books to introduce topics after you read the books you can create lists in the classroom about observations or facts that were learned from the book (directly or indirectly) and predictions or questions the students might have. At the end of your lesson you can see what questions were answered and what mysteries require further research. I think this would be a great way to encourage children to explore the answer to a question that they had. 

Tania Torres Tania Torres 220 Points

You can incorporate literature in many wonderful ways. Here are a few ideas:

-Fun and creative books that can go hand in hand with your science lessons. For example, if you are teaching the life cycle of a butterfly.. Try to find a book that can be used to get the students attention and can bring the idea full circle for them.

Book Idea: 'The Amazing Life Cycle of Butterflies'

-Use fun poetry or songs found across literature that can come together with your lessons.

-Have students create a play or skit that has to do with a science book/science lesson.

-Have students write their own book concerning the lesson/activity.


Hope these help! Blessings,


-Tania Torres

Katie Balderas Katie Balderas 60 Points

I agree! Literature can be interwhined with any subject. The Life cycle of a butterfly is a great example and you are able to do so much with the subject for all grade levels.

Terri Worrel Terri Worrel 675 Points

I agree, finding age appropriate books that have your science topic or components of the topic in them are appropriate.  For instance, I am doing a STEM lesson with gummy worms and I found a counting book with worms.  I will be incorporating the book by doing a lot of counting while we are doing our experiment.  This helps tie the different disciplines (math and science) together as well as ela with the reading of the book.

Lisa Lang Lisa Lang 1703 Points

The Busy Tree by Jennifer Ward is a beautiful book that can be used to introduce a science nature lesson. It's about the different creatures that live in and around a tree such as birds, squirrels, owls, chipmunks, moles, ladybugs, ants.  Children will love the illustrations and the rhyming verse in the story. I read it to my PreK students but it would appeal to students in grades K - 2 as well. After the readaloud, we went outdoors for a walk through the woods behind the school to observe nature.  Good luck! 

Lillian Estrada Lillian Estrada 170 Points

Hi Erica, 

This is a question that I have had myself. This can be challenging but what I have found that works well is to just find a book that focuses on something having to do with the environment, animals, or just any topic that you could talk about in a science class. The book doesn't have to be an actual science book you just want there to be something in the book that can be used for science purposes. For example, I took the book The Rainbow Fish and talked about the life cycle of a fish. You can also use that book and talk about parts of a fish, etc. 

Hope this helped!

Laureen Howe Laureen Howe 690 Points

Hello Erica,

It looks like you got a lot of great ideas from other people. I am an Early childhood educator, and everyday we have circle time and along with discussions about the calendar each day we discuss the weather. There are a lot of great books about the weather for young children as well as activities you can do. You can read a book that is about snow or snow storms and do a science activity such as, Snow Storm in a Jar. It never snows where I am so the kids get really excited about the activity. 

Good luck and happy teaching! :)


Bianca Loya Bianca Loya 1830 Points

sometimes its hard to find a book that goes with the science topic or unit but its not impossible 

I think sometimes we have to take a step back and dig into a book a little deeper 

one of the sites i like to look at is science buddies 

they have some great stuff on there as far as ideas 

also use your resources! contact the school librarian, they know all the books and can make some good suggestions

Anne Lowry Anne Lowry 9393 Points

Perusing the outstanding trade book lists

and the best stem books


might give you additional ideas.  It's also fun to pull the science out of your students' favorite books. For example, my students love Art Dog by Thacher Hurd.  Through that book, we have examined color mixing, fuels and transportation, types of paints and drying times...just to name a few.  Another class loved The Three Little Javelinas, which they rewrote for their habitats as The Three Little Rabbits (and a fox instead of a coyote), and did a lot of habitat / weather comparisons also



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