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Forums / Research in Science Education / One-time Science Research Activity for 4th Grade Teachers!

Research in Science Education

One-time Science Research Activity for 4th Grade Teachers!

Author Post
Abby Lavine Abby Lavine 40 Points

Hi all!

Our research team is looking for California-based 4th grade teachers to participate in a one-time science research activity! We’re interested in you and your class's expertise and feedback on our NGSS-aligned computer program.

I am an education researcher at WestEd, a non-profit educational research organization. My team and I are developing an NGSS-aligned computer program to support upper-elementary science modeling and learning.

If you might be interested in partnering with us on this exciting research activity, please fill out this brief interest form:

Our research team will get in touch with you!

Please feel free to pass this along to any NGSS-aligned 4th grade teachers you know, and email us at [email protected] if you have any questions!

Thank you!


flyer_sketch.pdf (0.07 Mb)

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