Winter Group - November 14 campaign


Forums / New Teachers / STEM Resources

New Teachers

STEM Resources

Author Post
 Wendy Goldfein 80 Points

Looking for ideas for STEM and engineering activities? We are part of a team that has created a website filled with ideas and blogs that might be of interest to you. You will also be able to link to each of the contributors own individual websites. It is quite a wealth of resources. Wendy Goldfein

Pamela Dupre Pamela Dupre 92369 Points

Excellent site!

Carole Moreno Carole Moreno 8288 Points

Amazing site! Thank you for sharing

Janice Noguchi Janice Noguchi 615 Points

Great website. Here's another to checkout

Alexis Youngblut Alexis 4151 Points

This is a great resource to keep in mind. I have already added it to my favorites tab. Thank you for sharing, I can't wait to use it in the future!

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