Vernier Science Education - August 2024 p4


Forums / Life Science / Life Science

Life Science

Life Science

Author Post
Edwin Lopez Edwin Lopez 835 Points

Science is also the light that keeps us out of the dark ages. It may not solve all of our problems, but it usually shows us the path to the solutions. And the more we know, the more questions we find. It’s a never-ending search for answers that will continue for as long as the human race exists. And guaranteed satisfaction for the little girl inside me, the one that still asks “why.

Jasmin Delgado Jasmin Delgado 840 Points

I love this outlook on science and I feel like I could take this description and tweek it a little to use in the classroom. Especially science students are notorious for asking "why". If we let them know right off the bat that we may not always know the answers they may relate to us a lot better and we will no longer be the boring teacher feeding them bottomless information. 

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