
Forums / Elementary Science / Helpful ways to keep elementary students engaged

Elementary Science

Helpful ways to keep elementary students engaged

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What are some ways to keep elementary kids with wondering minds engaged while doing a science project or reviewing a lesson? 

Jaqueline Zuniga Jaqueline Zuniga 760 Points

I think a great way to keep students engaged during a science lesson is to implement many visuals as possible and asking them questions to see if they relate to the topic or have seen something related to the topic. It is always important to mention how the topic can relate to real life events and provide as many examples so it can bring the students full attention to it. 

Jose Ruiz Jose Ruiz 790 Points

A few ways that will help in keeping students engaged in a lesson can be, asking questions that allow students to involve a personal experience. This will open interest in the student's eyes and allow them to stay engaged during the lesson. Another way would be providing activities, simple activities that can be done in groups and allow students to interact with each other will also help keeping them engage.

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