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Forums / Elementary Science / Differentiating Instruction for Students with Disabilities

Elementary Science

Differentiating Instruction for Students with Disabilities

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Erika Vallarino Erika Vallarino 345 Points

Every student deserves quality instruction regardless of their learning abilities. This collection provides information on inquiry-based instruction for students with disabilities that can be applied to students from elementary to hogh school.

Morgan Starbeck Morgan Starbeck 1575 Points

Thank you, I am a preservice teacher and differentiation is one thing that I am kind of worried about. Does differentiation come naturally when planning your lessons? We have been told that it is something that you have to do, but no one has ever really given information on how to or examples of what differenation looks like. 

Beth Stern Beth Stern 420 Points

I was just looking for a resource like this! I found myself struggling to plan science lessons for my students with disabilites with enough support yet also enough challenge. Thank you!


Danielle Moss Danielle Moss 560 Points

I have been teaching in a FSC classroom this semester and have been struggling on how to provide my students with quality and accessible science experiences/instruction! I lalso really appreciate this resource because I think that it will support me as an educator in my future classrooms! 

Thank you, 


Danielle Moss Danielle Moss 560 Points

I have been teaching in a FSC classroom this semester and have been struggling on how to provide my students with quality and accessible science experiences/instruction! I lalso really appreciate this resource because I think that it will support me as an educator in my future classrooms! 

Thank you, 


Moody Thelisma Moody Thelisma 4635 Points

It is so important to make all students involved in the classroom during all activities. it is crucial that the teachers are proving experiments that are best for the students, which everyone can be involved in. 

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