Vernier Science Education - August 2024 p2


Forums / Early Childhood / Sparking interest in young learners

Early Childhood

Sparking interest in young learners

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Leslie Oropeza Raciel Oropeza 415 Points

Hello, I'm a preservice teacher and I've had some concerns about teaching science when the times comes. During my field experiences, I have noticed there are some kids who are just not interested in certain subjects. I was wondering if anyone has ideas or activities for motivating kids who say they "hate science." Thanks!

Holly Buten Holly Buten 740 Points

I am also a preservice teacher and from my experience I have learned that doing hands on activities with the students where they are up out of their seats and physically doing and seeing things really helps with the interest problem. If they are having fun, they are interested and don't even realize they are learning science at the same time. One of the schools I have been in has a garden and they use it a lot to teach science concepts. The kids get really excited when they know they are going outside to the garden.

Sierra Logan Sierra Logan 180 Points

To get the student motivated you might ask them what they are interested in. If they are doing something they can really get into they will enjoy it more, and may begin to like science. Everyone has their little thing they are interested in on different subjects, you just have to find out what it is!

Cara Campbell Cara Campbell 515 Points

Most kids really don't hate science. By nature they're really curious and always asking questions about that world, just like any good scientist. However, they think that it's 'boring,' because when they hear the word science, they think that they're going to have to sit and do worksheets or read a National Geographic Kids article. Both of these, of course, have their place. However, you can get them motivated and interested! If you can find something that really interests your students, say, like rocket ships, and then find a hands on activity that incorporates that interest, you'll be golden.

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