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Forums / Distance Learning / Reaching Students

Distance Learning

Reaching Students

Author Post
Yazmin Perez Yazmin Perez 310 Points

I am currently a student and future teacher, we all know these have been trying times due to the global pandemic that we have all faced. Being a student hasn't become any easier during this time, so I know it must be difficult to keep students engaged and most of all motivated, What are some ways that learning Science through a screen or at a distance can be just as fun, engaging and motivating as it can be? 

Elizabeth Inselmann Elizabeth Inselmann 1405 Points

Hi Yazmin, 

   I am a preservice teacher also I think that one thing that is important is to be interested and present as a teacher. Then have students do things do not just lecture at them. This could be any way maybe send students an easy safe lab and do it via zoom together or do an interactive game together. Hopefully, this was helpful.

All the best, 

   Lizzy Inselmann Wartburg class of 2023 

Hunter Gerhardt Hunter Gerhardt 615 Points


As a preservice teaching, this is something that I've been wondering about too. During the start of COVID, this was a problem in a lot of classrooms. Throughout different classrooms that I've been in for field experience I have seen different labs/experiments and simulations that they have had to students do. This could be a way to keep them engaged when they are learning online. It won't be as exciting as it would be in the classroom, but it is a more engaging and exciting activity to do online. 

Kristin Preast Kristin Preast 1670 Points

I would try to incorporate experiment stimulator websites, experiments easily done at home, and songs with units you are teaching.

Amber Jonnes Amber 10 Points

There are different sites where students can do some things in pairs, groups. And in general, I think that the more practical and interesting activities you use, the better it is


Brian Marrero Brian Marrero 1270 Points

You can use different simulator. Phet have a lot of simulator including math, physics, chemistry and biology to engage students and understand the concepts; also here in the forum you can ask for another lab simulator. That can make the science a little bit more fun in a distance way. 

I am a preservice teacher that has seen the great impact that distance learning has caused in our students in the classroom. In order for students to show how they are going each morning we should encourage them to answer questions that connnect to their social emotional learning. We must have activities to keep them engaged and incorporate technology as most as possible for students to feel incourage to learn at all times. We must dscover what makes our students want to learn and what are their intrests to incorporate them in the lessons to help them feel welcomed in the classroom at all times.

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