Carolina Biological OSE - January 2025


Forums / STEM / Exciting Pilot Test Opportunity with NSTA, MIT, and Amazon


Exciting Pilot Test Opportunity with NSTA, MIT, and Amazon

Author Post
Michelle Phillips Michelle Phillips 7250 Points

Greetings educators! 


Want to teach your students to code their own Alexa skills in the context of a High School life science lesson?


Want a fun project to do with your students for the end of this year?


We are looking for 50 High School teachers to beta test our NEW Alexa for Astronauts curriculum. Beta testers will attend virtual professional development, implement the 5 lessons, and complete a post-unit survey. In thanks for your time, each beta tester will receive a $100 Amazon gift card for their feedback.  Sign up here and email [email protected].


The National Science Teaching Association’s Alexa for Astronauts: Using AI to Monitor Health lesson set is a five-day, life science instructional sequence designed to expose high school students to ideas about artificial intelligence (AI) and computer programming using Amazon Alexa and MIT App Inventor, while applying previously-built life science ideas to begin to address the problem of monitoring astronauts’ physical health during deep-space exploration . (Best for high school biology students, grades 9-12, students with limited or no programming experience) Professional development for NSTA will take place on 5/10/2022 from 7 pm to 9 pm and 5/17/2022 from 7 pm to 9 pm.


Sign up and email [email protected] by Thursday, May 5th, 2022. You will receive follow-up communication from NSTA with more details.

Click here to sign up to be an Alexa for Astronauts beta tester.  


Mary Lynn Hess Mary Hess 13713 Points

Hi Michelle,

Do you know when they will post the housing for the Atlanta Conference? I'm trying to hold off in case there is a better deal.

Thank you.

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