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Forums / Physical Science / Chemical Change Unit for elementary

Physical Science

Chemical Change Unit for elementary

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 Dawn Nishimoto 3015 Points

Chemical Change Cafe is a lesson unit for grades 3-6 that explores difference between chemical and physical changes by observing a variety of changes in matter. I got this lesson from Picture-Perfect Science Lessons. The physical science standards covered include:
-Understand that objects have many observable properties, including size, weight, shape, color, temperature, and the ability to react with other substances.
-Understand that substances react chemically in characteristic ways with other substances to form new substances with different characteristic properties.
If you have this resource, you should check it out!

I just wanted to share some read aloud books that relate to chemistry.
The featured book in this lesson is called Pancakes, Pancakes? by Eric Carle which talks about making pancakes from scratch. This ties in to the science investigation in this unit.

Other read alouds:
The Magic School Bus gets baked in a cake: A book about kitchen chemistry by J. Cole
Chemical Change: From fireworks to Rust by D.Stille
Physical change: Reshaping Matter by D.Stille

Cristina Kelesides Cristina Solis 1355 Points

For Physical Change, I perform the can crushing experiment where you put water inside an empty soda can and boil it on a hot plate then using tongs, you move it to a cold bowl of water and the can gets crushed. I also demonstrate that the states of matter are physical changes by showing an ice cube melting, and pot of boiling water with a lid on it capturing the steam as it turns into condensation. For Chemical Change, I make Oobleck with the kids - white glue, borax, hot water, and food coloring.

Sharon Kearney Sharon Kearney 110 Points

K-5 grade students enjoy eating the results of their inquiries when chocolate chips are used to explore physical changes, changing mass with hand-action choppers,yet they are still discrete, identifiable pieces and chemical changes when those smaller pieces are added to cookie dough and become liquid spots of chocolate.

Tamara Leong Tamara Leong 1015 Points

I placed a couple items together in stations (cookie dough & cookies, yarn & knitted cap, unlit match & burnt match, etc.) around the classroom & allowed the students to visit each station. In groups, they discussed the connections they thought the two items shared. After a few minutes at each station, we came together as a whole group to discuss their relationships & physical & chemical changes. The students were then assigned to conduct mini labs on physical & chemical changes. After following the simple directions at each lab, they jotted down their observations & predictions & identified whether they were a chemical or physical change. Mini labs included vinegar & milk, antacid & water, playdough, ice cubes & water, vinegar & baking soda.

Vanessa Muhammad Vanessa Muhammad 540 Points

I also have tried many of the same versions of those labs. Glad to know that I have mirrored some great teaching strategies:) I do like asking them to prepare something at home (this way the students can share their knowledge at home)and actually utilize the scientific method on their own. Thanks for sharing.

Tamara Leong Tamara Leong 1015 Points

Great idea! We did that for the first time this year & we were amazed with what they came up with! Thank you for sharing this!

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