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Hey Guys!,
Does anyone have any good ideas on ways to gain more knowledge on materials and methods for teaching science in the elementary school age level including classes or resources?
I am enjoying the webinars. I am learning so much useful information.
I have really enjoyed the scipacks I am currently in school for education and am constantly looking for professional development opportunities.
Check into resources offered by local colleges, universities and informal education institutions, like museums. In Charlotte, NC, the museum Discovery Place will be establishing a new STEM Center geare toward providing resources and professional development for teachers.
Thank you for posting this question. I always want to know how I can improve myself for my future students. Like the others have said I find that everything in the learning center is beneficial and has taught me so much about science in general. I am aware of the importance of teachers knowing the content they are teaching and to constantly updating themselves. I plan on using the resources provided within this website to do so.
Hey Anna,
I think the NSTA is probably your best bet into learning about what resources you can use in your elementary classroom! There are so many articles, scipacks, seminars that you can view to give you ideas about what you can implement in your own classroom. There are also many science educators on here too that are more than happy to help you! Have you also tried asking the other science teachers in your school!? Looking to our coworkers is a great way to grow as a professional and to learn from one another. Hope this helps :)
I really enjoy the SciPacks, they are very informational.
As a new NSTA member, I greatly utilize their resources, but I also seek community resources, webinars are great for learning, most importantly research. Each and everyday I spend at least an hour simply reading about current teaching practices, trends, technology, or researching topics that I feel I could improve upon. Best of luck!
As a new NSTA member, I greatly utilize their resources, but I also seek community resources, webinars are great for learning, most importantly research. Each and everyday I spend at least an hour simply reading about current teaching practices, trends, technology, or researching topics that I feel I could improve upon. Best of luck!