
Forums / Elementary Science / Keeping students engaged

Elementary Science

Keeping students engaged

Author Post
Jovanna Cruz Jovanna Cruz 870 Points

Hello, I'm currently studying for bilingual elementary education and I'm a bit nervous to teach science since it has always been one of my weakest subjects. I know there are different way of having students engaged in the lesson, but I also know they have a short attention span. I was wondering what techniques you all recommend to keep the students engaged and if you recommend giving them any types of breaks in between.

Hepzy A Bahena Hepzy A Bahena 390 Points

Hey Jovanna, I totally agree with you in being intimidated of keeping the students engaged in a lesson, especially science. I would recommend to keep the students busy with research, activities, group discussions, and even working on science projects. Having a fun, positive, and learning environment is crucial for us teachers. Luckily, most students enjoy science and doing hands-on activities with them.

Jazmine Mata Jazmine Mata 560 Points

Hello Jovanna, I think giving students hands-on activities would be something they might enjoy doing. Having students do small group work in which each student plays a role could also be helpful.

Valeria Valencia Valeria Valencia 830 Points

Hello Jovanna, there are different things that we could do to keep students engaged in the lessom. Some include doing a warm up at the start of the class, also having hands-on activities, having them work together in groups or using technology as an educational tool can help students stay enganged and have fun.


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