The Center for Gifted Studies_November 2024


Forums / Early Childhood / Student-Teacher

Early Childhood


Author Post
Hallie Seals Hallie Seals 850 Points

Hello everyone! My name is Hallie Seals. I'm currently in Student-teaching 1 at the University of Houston. I'm excited yet nervous about becoming a new teacher. I look forward to you all's useful information.

Kelsea Graves Kelsea Graves 2035 Points

Hello! Enjoy student teaching, I start student teaching in the Fall of this year. I am on the NSTA for one of my classes, and it is such a great resource for not only current educators but future educators. I am also very excited AND nervous about becoming a new teacher. I hope you have a great experience student teaching and learn a lot to prepare yourself when you have your own classroom!

Lindsey Zhang Lindsey Zhang 1175 Points

Hi Hallie!. I am a student teacher too at the University of Houston. I hope you are enjoying your student teaching. There is so much to learn by being in the classroom as a student teacher. Make sure that you take notes on what you like about your CT and their room. This will be super useful in the future in putting together your own classroom. Good luck!

Lizete Guerra Lizete Guerra 935 Points

Hi Hallie! I am also in Student Teaching 1. I have learned a lot this semester so far and am excited to graduate and become a teacher.

THU TA THU TA 805 Points

Hi Hallie. I'm also in the same exact boat as you, ST1 and U of H! Go Coogs. Embrace the process and good luck!!

Justine Buzon Justine Buzon 895 Points

Hi Hallie! I am also in Student Teaching 1 at the University of Houston (GO COOGS!) NSTA is great to have for Student Teaching 1&2! I think this will also help us become a better Science educator in the future! We are almost done with the program... Good luck!!

Stefanie Del campo stefanie del campo 370 Points

Congrats on your first year of teaching! I just started using NSTA for a class I am taking and so far it has a lot of great information. I am sure a lot of the information on here will be very useful for not only your first year of teaching, but all the years to come as well. Good Luck!

Deborah Pederson Deborah Pederson 1040 Points

Hey girl! I think we'll be getting alot of help here. I've already read across some posts and there is so much helpful information. Go Coogs!

Pamela Dupre Pamela Dupre 92369 Points

I knew there was a reason I loved this post. My daughter is a student there as well. She is majoring in geology but does some tutoring. She may become a geology teacher. I think it is amazing that the university is encouraging y'all to join professional learning communities like NSTA! I've been teaching 23 years and it is still exciting to learn more and interact with teachers outside of my usual circle. If you ever have the chance to attend an NSTA convention, go! I'm an elementary teacher from Louisiana, right next door. Go Coogs! Oh and check this out from NSTA:

Flavio Mendez Flavio Mendez 55616 Points

Hello everyone! My name is Hallie Seals. I'm currently in Student-teaching 1 at the University of Houston. I'm excited yet nervous about becoming a new teacher. I look forward to you all's useful information. Dear Hallie, Glad you could join the discussion - the NSTA Learning Center community has much to offer you and other pre-service teachers.  While you may be interested in many of the resources available on the site (check the "Explore All Resources" area to search for your yopics of interest), you may also be interested in participating in web seminars. Web Seminars are free - you can read about them and register at the URL below: Good luck! Flavio.

Destiny Huggins Destiny Huggins 10040 Points

Hello Future Teachers! Congratulations on starting your student teaching. I am in my second year teaching and while it's sometimes a struggle and I am super tired some days it's still my favorite thing to be doing. I lucked out and teach strickly science in elementary, so I use NSTA quite often. I read many of the articles Science Children. Plus Science Children offer some great lessons. I have also used some of the lessons to refresh my brain on concepts in areas that I am weak in. Some tips in student teaching. Ask your principal if you can see different grades and different subjects. If you start with primary grades, especially kinder, try to see them at the beginning of the year. You will learn some of the best classroom management from those teachers. Your goal in student teaching is to find who and what you want to be teaching. Not everyone is a 1st grade teacher just as not everyone can teacher 5th and beyond. Make sure you find your fit! Side Note! Not sure how much the professors have changed, but if Thompson, Culpepper, Wilson, Edgar, Beaudeux are still teaching please tell them Destiny Huggins says hello :) GO COOGS! YOU GOT THIS.

Isabel Uribe Isabel Uribe 1055 Points

I am also a student teacher and I love it! I am sure that you are going to do great. We are getting lots of hands on activity with the hours that we are putting in. keep up the great work almost done!

Itzel Zertuche Itzel Zertuche 950 Points

Hello Hallie, I am on the same boat!! GO COOGS!! I hope this semester has been great to you! The semester is almost over and I hope you learned as much as I did. Good luck in ST2!

Kanwal Mohammad Kanwal Mohammad 740 Points

Hello, I am in ST1 as well!! Semester is almost over! Yay! Good Luck in ST2! Graduation is around the corner so hang in there!

Callie Spradley Callie Spradley 510 Points

Hey there Hallie. Take a deep breath. Although there is a lot to learn and grow into, I have no doubt you will be a competent teacher that will change the lives of many students.

Joanna Gomez Joanna Gomez 795 Points

Hi, I'm also doing student teaching 1 at University of Houston. I'm using NSTA for one of my science classes, and there are plenty of useful resources here. Good luck on this new journey!

Rosa Partida Rosa Partida 845 Points

Hi, I am also a student teacher! Good luck!

Cecilia Cardona Cecilia Cardona 1115 Points

Hi, I am also Student Teaching I for University of Houston. As out educational system shifts towards STEM it is beneficial that we can acquire information and ask for help through a simple site. Enjoy student teaching and take in all the good and learn from the experiences that your are placed in.

Daisy Hinojosa Daisy Hinojosa 1020 Points

Hello, i am also in student teaching at the University of Houston. I really like that this site is available for anyone who has any questions regarding with science in schools. I am really learning a lot of new things.

Stephanie Lybarger stephanie Lybarger 875 Points

Wow! Congrats that is exciting to hear. UH is a great place to be in the education program. Hopefully you have had a great semester so far and enjoyed your first semester student teaching. One thing I will say is you will really get to understand time management! But it is so worth it the kids are amazing! Good Luck!

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