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Common Core Standards?

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Anna Ward Anna Ward 1010 Points

How do you ensure your lessons fit all criteria of the new common core standards? Is it easier to start with the core standards you need to meet or to plan an activity and then try to incorproate them in?

Betty Paulsell Betty Paulsell 48560 Points

It is better to review the standards first and then see how your available curriculum fits within those. Most times you will find that you need to supplement your curriculum in order to meet some of the standards. It is basically a give and take process.

Casey McMann Casey McMann 245 Points

Below is a link to the common core literacy standards for science/technical subjects and the math standards for "measurements and data" . I agree that it is probably both a deductive and inductive planning process. It helps to be familiar with them to recognize them in your own curriculum to see what you've got already that incorporates reading, writing, math. But also see where you are missing the literacy and math components and how you could build up to having them in every lesson as explained in the standards. It takes a lot of "back and forth" as already suggested because even where you have them, there's always a constant effort to improve them. Don't know if that actually helps, hope so.

Emily Clements Emily Clements 895 Points

Using Common Core in science is so important. I agree, that it is important to know and understand the standards before you try to use them in the classroom. I also think it is important that you determine how you will assess the students if you are using writing standards. One good way to do so is use checklists and rubrics. This is a great way for students to know what is expected of them. A great place to create rubrics is RubiStar. Hope this helps.

Janine Fernandez Janine Fernandez 1890 Points

Most people are afraid when it comes to using the Common Core Standards, but there really isn't any reason to be afraid or to think they are making things complicated for us. The websites mentioned in other replies are great resources and you can also use to find lessons already aligned to the Common Core. I find that it is easiest to have your standards ready (including cross integration with English Language Arts) and then create your lessons. You will find a myriad of resources on the internet where teachers have already done the work, so I suggest that you search for your content and see if there is anything available.

Brittany Phillips Brittany Phillips 515 Points

Determining which common core standards you will cover during your lesson should be done prior to determining what you plan to teach. The standards determine what you will teach in the classroom, every teacher should be fully aware of the standards and what each one entails. When planning a lesson, you should select the standards that you plan to cover, followed by the planning of the lesson you plan to teach.

Daphne Henry Daphne Henry 520 Points

Hi Anna, I am currently in a credential program (so not yet teaching full-time in schools), but my professors often have us work on what they call "Backwards Planning." In essence, it means start with your goals/assessments/standards - whatever it may be, and plan backwards from there. That way you can make sure that your target goals are going to be met. Daphne

Hailee Castro Hailee Castro 695 Points

From my understanding, there are no "Common Core Science Standards." Instead, there are "Next Generation Science Standards." I am a bit confused. Are these standards still aligned with all the Common Core Standards in other subjects but they just gave them a different name? Or are the writers completely different?

Kathryn Cleary Kathryn Cleary 460 Points

As a current student going through the credential program, we have become very familiar with the new state standards. Being that the standards are so broad, it will be easier to find standards to match up with activities that you have planned. It all depends on your strategy fr lesson designing. Chances are there will be a standard to match anything you try in your classroom.

Dana Dunnan Dana Dunnan 280 Points

Hi Anna- I'd start with the standards first. I did an eight minute interview last Friday with Neal Charnoff on Vermont Public Radio about new teachers, unions, testing, and the Common Core: Be grateful you have standards. It is much easier to aim for a defined target. Dana Dunnan


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Amber Escobedo Amber Escobedo 680 Points

I like to begin with the standards, however you can absolutely start with the activities. Most of the Common Core Standards are somewhat broad so if you already have an activity planned, it is very likely that your activity is aligned in some way with at least one CCSS. Additionally I find it helpful that the NGSS Performance Expectations include “Common Core State Standard Connections” for Literacy and Math.

Sammi Toia Sammi Toia 360 Points

Personally, I look at the standards prior to creating lessons. I then use the standards and identify the key ideas that I want my students to know. This helps to organize your lessons. From that, I begin to create the lessons. This is usually a combination of creating my own activities, consulting with my fellow teachers, and looking online for lessons and resources. Hope this helps!

Lauren Galindo Lauren Galindo 375 Points

Another helpful tip is that there are so many lesson plans already online, but because common core is so new most lessons follow the old standards. However, I have found that if you take a lessons form the old standards and modify it you can adapt it to align with common core.

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