The Center for Gifted Studies_November 2024


Forums / Earth and Space Science / big bang lessons

Earth and Space Science

big bang lessons

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Megan Dehning Megan Dehning 390 Points

I am currently teaching my astronomy unit -- we have been working our way from our solar system, through star life cycles and galaxies out to the "big picture". Students are fascinated with the big bang theory, so I usually end my astronomy unit with it. It is a difficult theory for adults to grasp, let alone 7th and 8th graders. Any middle school teachers have success in teaching this topic in a way that students can understand? If so, I'd love to hear your ideas.

Carolyn Mohr Carolyn Mohr 92741 Points

Hi Megan, I love the resource that Tina mentioned, too. Anything by Dr. Robertson is outstanding! Have you checked out the NASA video clips on the Big Bang and related topics?
Also, Imagine the Universe has some great resources for classroom use.
Also, when I did an advance search in the Learning Center using the term 'big bang', 12 resources popped up. Just type in big bang where it says 'keyword'.

Keith Godlewski Keith Godlewski 2810 Points

I am unsure where you are located, but if you are near NYC, the AMNH has a spectacular room designed to replicate the big bang! They also have a downloadable digital universeat the link below. Enjoy!

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