Winter Group - November 14 campaign


Forums / Distance Learning / Hands-on Activities

Distance Learning

Hands-on Activities

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Darcie Pilon Darcie Pilon 490 Points

In this time of online learning, it is hard for students to complete hands-on science activities at home, especially if they are fully online. As teachers or pre-service teachers, we are familiar with Piaget's theory on constructivism. His theory supports the idea that children produce and build knowledge based on experiences, like the hands-on activities we provide within the classroom. So, as schools have transitioned to online learning, how are you attempting to provide these experiences to the best of your ability?

Taylor Rae Hickmon Taylor Rae Hickmon 2470 Points

This question is one that is ever-changing for me. I have considered all the many ways to reach my students to create an interactive science classroom. The best tool I use is accessibility for all students in the virtual forum. I always use regular household items, so students have more of an opportunity to become involved. I understand some this gap with still not be filled for some students who have no resources at home, so this is still a struggle.

Emily Banken Emily Banken 590 Points

Hi Darcie, 

Keeping students engaged and learning can be a difficult task from a distance. I agree that a great way to keep students engaged is to use hands-on learning. In science, this can be done by in-home labs with common kitchen items. This can be a lot of fun for children as they are using day-to-day items for a new task!


Michelle Phillips Michelle Phillips 7250 Points

Thank you for adding this to the Forum Darcie. I agree that hands on learning experiences are really important in the knowledge building process. Have you checked out some of NSTA's Daily Do's? The Daily Do's are great examples of how you might provide these experiences for your students even when learning is virtual.


Ashtin Schnell Ashtin Schnell 1820 Points

I love the idea of using fun interactive online moduels, and even interactive online field trips. There are a ton of resources virtually online that can still be interactive for students. I persoanally like the virtual feild trip idea the most becauase I think it is the most engaging. 

Nalia Roba Nalia Roba 825 Points

I love all the ideas in this post! Interactive modules and online field trips sound like a lot of fun and a nice change for students doing remote learning! I also think it's so wise how others said to include household items for Hands-On Activities too! We know not all students have access to the same resources, so making them common/everyday items is so helpful and ensures no students are left behind!

Monica Lopez Monica Lopez 315 Points

Getting students to be engaged in activities is now more difficult than ever! I like the Hands-On activites using household items to be able to reach our students at their leve of accessibility to supplies. One thing I would suggest that I did in elementary is virtual dissections and experiments. As a student when experiements were not able to be done by us because it would be too dangerous for elementary students we did virtual ones and we found it really fun to do. I have seen some where students can do and play around with the different options to even see what might go wrong if something is done incorrectly. Showing students both ways is also a great learning experience for them so they understand why it is especially important in science classrooms to follow rules and procedures. 

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