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Have any science teachers out there had the opportunity to effectively collaborate with the math teachers at their school to bridge NGSS and CCSS-Math in the classrooms? How has that worked out? And which works better, incorporating science into math or vice versa?
Hi Julius,
There are a few of us that have begun the conversation at my school. Part of the problem we are experiencing is the Algebra book will be changing for us next year, so my Math counterparts are trying to wrap their head around the scope and sequence, what Common Core means in terms of changing what is taught, etc.
I know for many of us, so much change has occurred in just this one year, with Common Core and the new teacher evaluation models, we really haven’t been able to keep our head above water long enough to have meaningful discussions. Hopefully as time progresses and we get into the new school year and time passes, we will have more of a chance to have those discussions.
Hi Sandy -
Agreed, teachers need collaboration time, curriculum planning time and top notch professional development opportunities to confidently move forward with all these new initiatives (Common Core, NGSS and Teacher Effectiveness Evaluations).
The PD resources and time are really critical.
Thank goodness for all the wonderful free NSTA webseminars on NGSS and Common Core. Check out the archived web seminars and upcoming new web seminars.
For example - check out this web seminar archive from Feb. 2013
Archive: Connections Between Practices in NGSS, Common Core Math, and Common Core ELA, February 12, 2013
Hi Julius -
There is a great PD resource coming from NSTA in August.
Virtual Conference: Connecting Literacy and Science with NGSS and Common Core
All day online conference, August 6th. (there is a fee for conference attendance)
These virtual conferences are amazing PD opportunities!
Bonus - No travel required!
I marked it on my calendar! Thanks!
I taught middle school for 5 years and I found it very easy to collaborate with Science to teach cross-curricular ideas. For example when I worked on graphs, surveys, data collection, scientific notation, percents, or other topics I would work with Science to be covering the same topic at the same time, or doing investigations involving the math we currently learned. I also would take information that they were working on and put that science topics into my words problems.
That's such a wonderful idea! My math teacher and I rarely have conversation (sad, I know) but I am working on improving that and definitely incorporate what we have going on in one another classes!
Great idea to speak to a math teacher to get ideas on how things could be collaborated. Maybe even make assignments coincide so the students aren't pressured to do so much more but at the same time interested in the assignments seeing that their two classes can combine.
I think collaborating math and science is a really good idea. Since I am not currently a teacher yet I can not say I have done this myself. However I agree with previous posts that communication is key. I think you will find the students more engaged when their classes collaborate with each other also.