Carolina Kits 3D Bundles – January 2025


Forums / Earth and Space Science / Earth Science Labs

Earth and Space Science

Earth Science Labs

Author Post
Hannah Pond Hannah Pond 505 Points

Hello all! 

I am a pre-service science teacher and Earth Science is one of my iffy areas.  I am seeking input and ideas on effective labs and activities for young adolescent students.  Feel free to share any advice, favorite resources, and labs! Thanks in advance!  

Cris DeWolf Cris DeWolf 11965 Points

Hello Hannah-

There are a lot of resources available for you online. Here are a few:

CLEAN - Climate & Energy Education

NASA Wavelength:

USGS Education Resources:

NOAA Education Resources:

UCAR Center for Science Education:

Good luck! If you have any questions about these sites, let me know.

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