PETA Foundation - August 30 2024


Forums / Elementary Science / New in Fifth Grade

Elementary Science

New in Fifth Grade

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Tracey Williams Tracey Williams 1750 Points

I am moving from 4th grade to 5th grade math and science. I am trying to plan my first quarter sequence of instruction. I know I want to start with measurement and data collection/graphing since it will be the foundation of many experiences. However, I am not sure if I should introduce matter and properties of matter first. I am in Alabama, and we will be adopting new Science standards during the 2016-2017 school year based on the NGSS. I would appreciate advice from veterans!

Jamie Puschus Jamie Puschus 565 Points

Hello Tracy, I each 5th grade, I've been teaching for 18 years and I teach in Florida (we've used the NGSSS for years). I have found that I spend the first month of school teaching the scientific process. Students need to know how to think like scientists and that there are certain "steps" in that process. They don't realize that scientists first come up with questions and then research to find what others in their field have already learned. Then they take those ideas and determine "If I do this.... then this will happen" (their hypothesis). Students often forget that they should think of all the possible outcomes (null hypotheses) and then write down everything as they go along. They need to test their ideas at least 5 times to ensure the experiment is fair and then record their data in a table. When they finish, they should look for trends and analyze the results. If you look for "skittles labs" or labs that have to do with candy, you will find lots of fun, quick, easy labs that engage your students, teach the content through inquiry, and give them confidence to be problem solvers. Once they have a good handle on this, then you can jump into your standards. I hope this helps and was what you were looking for!

Debbie Pentecost Deborah Pentecost 6238 Points

I also start with the scientific method and scientific ways of thinking. Check with your curriculum director. Our district has pacing charts detailing what is taught when for the year. If you are in the process of switching from one set of standards to another your state DOE may have expectations of modified curriculum for the year to help ensure students get all the content even with the change.

Wendy Huang Wendy Huang 520 Points

Jamie, I tried the Skittles lab and thought it was exactly what I needed for my classroom. My school has just purchased three Chromebook carts for grade four. I was asked to infuse lessons with technology. What are some lessons that students and "not-so-technology-driven" teachers can do to easily incorporate technology into the NGSS lessons? Appreciate your help. Wendy

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