Carolina Kits 3D Bundles – January 2025


Forums / Physical Science / Physics and Engineering Short Courses

Physical Science

Physics and Engineering Short Courses

Author Post
Marco Coderoni Marco Coderoni 40 Points

Hello Everyone,

I wanted to share a new learning resource.

Ansys—a global software developer focused on producing engineering simulation software designed to predict how product designs will behave in real-world environments—offers no-cost physics instruction through Ansys Innovation Courses, self-paced, simulation-based resources exploring physics fundamentals. Targeted for students and instructors at the high school and college levels, as well as engineering professionals, the courses address physics concepts relating to fluids, structures, electronics, and STEM, and include online materials such as videos, handouts, practice or homework problem sets, and short quizzes. The courses can be used as a stand-alone experience to focus on a specific concept (e.g., fluid statics, physics of flight) or assigned in a specific sequence (learning track) to explore a particular topic in more depth.

I just wanted to make you aware of this resource, hope you'll find them useful. Any feedback would be very appreciated to improve the courses.

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